11 February 2011

Got Married, No Blowjobs

An email from J to brighten up my day.

Hey R, you darling, it gave me a thrill to be told you still think i’m loveable and lickable, actually, that’s exactly how i feel, but it’s good to be told, the media is so youth-obsessed and you sometimes think you’re delusional unless you submit to its agenda. in denial, that’s the term, applied whenever you demur from some dimwit teenage categorization. so, to hell with them all, what i know and now have written proof of, is that my R still wants to get naked and naughty with me.

Yes, marriage and sex, time to decouple them. seven years was when things started getting desperate for me, my body not getting what it needed, that was a few years ago now. so i’m breaking loose. there’s this man who handles our company’s audits, i can tell he’s interested, and i figure he knows i’m interested, he makes a point of stopping at my desk, occasionally our eyes cross and there’s that embarrassed smile, so far i’ve kept the sexual door closed to anything more but now i’m going to leave it ajar, see what happens.

Actually, some time ago, around that magic seven year point, i was at a barbeque chatting with this other man, sipping beer from bottles, sun shining through the eucalyptus leaves, a bit woozy from the heat and the alcohol, we got talking about relationships, he made this remark, it’s stayed with me, he said he had one of those marriages, he got a lot of blowjobs whilst they were courting, got married, no blowjobs thereafter. like a lot of men, he said.

Well, i didn’t really want to respond, i thought it was a bit of a crude come-on, but he didn’t press it, i made up my mind, if i saw him again, i was going to ask him whether he’d had a blowjob yet, and offer to give him one if he hadn’t. i guess that was the first time i abandoned ideas of a sexually shackled marriage. but i didn’t bump into him again so nothing came of it. still, it’s what i need, a hard, eager cock with the smell of the sperm wanting to get out and the man’s body desperate for relief and my mouth providing it.

So now i wonder what’s going to happen with this man from audits. i keep tangling him up with the man from the barbeque, similar builds, i think of us on a picnic rug on a hot day beneath the trees, me giving him long slow sucks between sips of beer.

Hope you don’t mind sharing my naughty thoughts, R. you ever need a blowjob, i’m waiting here patiently to give you one. Jxxx.