Standing in the supermarket line, getting impatient. Looking up at the adjacent till, catching sight of my special checkout girl, not seen for months. Somehow so evocative of Jane in student days.
Her customer paying, her eyes lifted to him, smiling, dimples in her cheeks, her eyes somehow containing the same hint of complicity as Jane’s. The man smiling back at her. Jealousy stabbing through my heart, why isn’t she doing that with me?
All those years ago, Jane selecting me ahead of others, for some reason. Standing now in a supermarket, memories and images carouseling through my mind. Making my way through the checkout, sneaking quick peeks at the special girl, heart panging with each glimpse of her eyes.
Getting home, emailing Jane. Hey baby, your email, fate, date, mate, sate, grate, whew, well here I am replying, late. I was standing today in a supermarket line, there’s a checkout girl there, makes me think of you every time I see her, something to do with her complicit smile, innocence and knowledge intertwined, just like you.
You said you were feeling bitter, but here’s another thought. Fate, it isn’t all bad. In the supermarket I was thinking how with you fate dealt me a wonderful hand. One that gave so much pleasure at the time, and that continues to give, every time I think of you it gives me buoyancy, if we hadn’t shared those times my whole life would have been different and impoverished.
The thing with sex, it’s so much more than just nakedness or entry or even touch, it’s play. And I guess you taught me how to play, darling Jane. Somehow it was you that brought it out in me. And here I was thinking I was doing the teaching.
Hey baby, someday soon we’ll meet up again, and we can find somewhere alone and play together. Not sure what form the play will take, that’s the thing about play, you can’t know how it’ll go, or it isn’t play. But hopefully it will involve taking clothes off. And if I’m lucky it’ll involve a special Jane blowjob, the thought makes me tingle, getting one of those again.
So let’s do it soon, baby Jane, we don’t want too much longer to go by without. love R xxx.