14 September 2011

Womanly Inhibitions Abandoned

Making some coffee, re-reading Jane’s email, pondering her sex-party plans, finding myself with an insistent erection at the thought. My sweet baby Jane, always a lovely sexual woman, now she’s setting out on new adventures.

Pouring the coffee, holding the steaming mug, looking out the window, seeing people passing in the street, watching the women, wondering how many of them would go a sex-party. Some, probably. Others, not. All offended by the suggestion if asked. Reluctant until the moment of agreement.

Sipping the coffee, thinking, that’s the nub, the essence of a woman’s sexual magic, the modest persona on display, the possibility beneath of inhibitions abandoned. Just a possibility, no more. The key to seducing a woman, you can’t force the abandonment, all you can do is nudge it along. A challenge consisting mostly of being around at the right time.

A smart shapely woman walking down the street, unaware of being watched. My coffee aromatic and strong. Pondering, maybe she abandons her inhibitions sometimes, maybe not. The guy who’s there when she does, he’s lucky.

Returning to the coffee jug, pouring more. Thinking of the woman in the street. Will she, won’t she, abandon her inhibitions? The uncertainty greatly adding to her appeal. For her to abandon her inhibitions, they first have to be there. Real and not faked. And they need to be capable of being abandoned. Take those away and the sexual magic loses a lot if its potency.

A difficult duality, problematic for men and women both.

Now with Jane, a sudden shift. That electrifying event, the moment of disinhibition. Shared with me by email. No wonder I can’t get rid of this erection.

Emailing her, hey baby Jane, how exciting, your sex-party, you’ve always had such sexual loveliness, you can’t just keep burying it, you’ll bury yourself with it. So now you’re having adventures with it, I bet it makes you feel young.

As you say, you aren’t committed to actually doing anything, you can just watch, maybe leave if it’s seedy or tacky. But I hope it works out for you, that your womanly needs find some satisfaction there. Actually the thought is giving me a hard-on, it’s been there for more than an hour since I read your email.

So sweet Jane, enjoy your party. Let me know how it works out. Now, I must go, I’m going to have to do something about this erection you’ve given me. Rxxx.