Three men and a woman sitting around a table having lunch, strong French sun shining through open patio doors, wine bottles and glasses and a meal's detritus all around.
One of the men talking, okay, I’ll do as you asked, explain about my girlfriend right here in front of her, she’s a genuine nymphomaniac, isn’t that right cherie. The woman slightly bashful, nodding, reaching for his hand, clasping it.
The man continuing, like I told you, it sounds good and it is for a while but I can’t satisfy her, ten minutes after sex she needs it again, and then again, so eventually I said I’d bring some friends to help.
The other two men only peripherally in shot, shuffling, embarrassed. The first man continuing, also, I’ve set up a video camera, it’s running now, I want to film the action, my girlfriend wants to watch it afterwards. Silence. Then, okay, let’s stop talking and get started.
The two visitors making their way to a sitting room hesitantly, the woman leading them on. The videocamera unsteadily following. One man kissing her fully on the mouth. Her body undergoing an instantaneous transformation, folding into him, surrendering, his touch sufficient to conquer her.
The second visitor stroking her thighs, unbuttoning her shorts. Soft groans from her at each new contact with her skin. All clothes removed. Her mouth reaching hungrily for lips or cocks. Her body compliant to every suggestion, bending itself to instruction, orifices yielding to tongue or fingers or cock’s penetration. The videocamera changing angles, recording fresh intimacies, new facial responses.
One of the guests walking away to fetch a drink. The other settling into steady sexual grinding. The woman with unbelievable quickness stiffening, squirming, quivering, face in a rictus, voice in a soft scream. Pulling suddenly away from the penetration, turning, hugging the man’s torso. Her boyfriend making a joke. Everyone laughing, the woman’s face lighting up.
The other guest returning, sitting on a sofa. The woman going to his side, stroking his cock, climbing astride him, guiding him into her. Her body quickly stiffening again, the same pattern, a wrenching orgasm.
Watching on my computer, one of millions of free videos. Her orgasms far different from standard pornstar simulation. Erotic in many ways, utterly authentic, but something strange, yes, that’s it, she’s a slave to this, captured by her own body.
Thinking, well we’re all slaves to our bodies, we all do what we can.