13 April 2011

Secret Life For You, Secret Life For Me

Jenny lying naked next to me, propped on one elbow, using a tissue to wipe away my wayward juices. Me on my back watching her in her natural womanly ways. She burrowing next to me, putting her head on my shoulder, crossing her leg over my hips, her arm over my chest, pulling herself closer. Her skin and mine touching with a soft electricity.

The moment’s absolute sweetness and purity, salve to the soul. But not long sustainable, dissolving with heat of skin and sweat and bodies’ need for movement. Pulling gently from under her, saying to her, lie on your stomach baby. Jenny compliant. My hands rubbing upwards along her back’s muscles, moving to her shoulders, kneading the little knots. Jenny sighing in pleasure, relaxing.

Turning round, rubbing her calves, ankles, feet. More sighs, more relaxation. Chatting. Do you have many friends in London, baby? Oh yes, some. Oh, good, so if you want to go out for a drink or meal, you have people you can do it with. Yes, I like going out with them. Jenny’s answers free of guardedness, sign of acceptance of me as someone trusted.

Lying by her side, stroking her back. Do they know what you do? Oh no, I tell them I’m in event management. This startling vernacular a reminder of her intelligence, absorbing English like the air she breaths.

Looking at me. No, this is my secret life, I don’t have a boyfriend or husband, because that would mean they’d know what I do. Anyway, I’ve got lots of boyfriends. Kissing me. Especially you, baby. But doing this work, nobody will understand, if I tell one of my friends, they’ll all be saying, you see Jenny there, did you know she’s a prostitute. No, this here is my secret life.

Both of us rising from the bed, engaging in that strange intimacy, getting our clothes back on. Saying to her, exactly, baby, secret lives, this here is yours, this here is also mine. Me and you, making love. None of my friends knows about it either, if I tell one, soon they’ll be saying, you know he uses prostitutes. The only way, secret life for you, secret life for me.

Both of us smiling complicitly. Jenny hugging me, suddenly kneeling, kissing my crotch, making as if talking to it, saying, hey mister, you don’t listen to him, come back to see me soon, feel my mouth around you, give me some more sperm, mmmm, delicious. Rising, smiling, kissing me goodbye.