29 June 2011

No Explanations

Six-thirty on a sunny weekday afternoon in a near-empty restaurant in Fulham, Carol sitting opposite me, freshly showered and bright-eyed after sex. Ordering. A salad for her, just some sparkling water for me.

Carol chatting away, hope you don’t mind if I grab a bite, R, I know it’s a bit early, just, my body clock’s been thrown, had to take a trip to Canada whilst I was in Ireland, still haven’t settled down. Turns out that my father’s estate is more complicated than I thought, I seem to have spent the last few months running around in circles.

Looking up at me, taking my hand across the table, oops, sorry, we’re supposed to be keeping this, you know, this thing between you and me, well, keeping it uncomplicated. So tell me R, does that mean you don’t want to know anything about me, if you do, well, I figure I’m like everyone else, basically, complicated.

Hey Carol, it’s fine, you eat your salad, I’ll do the talking. I’ve been thinking about it, keeping things uncomplicated, I figure it’s a part of being lovers, it’s how we break free of the quagmire of regular life, leave out everything else except just you and me.

Carol nodding, vehemently. Well, missus beautiful with the lovely shining eyes, we need to find our own way of staying uncomplicated. So here’s an idea. You can say what you like but I don’t have a right to require the information, you know, ask questions like, where were you?, who were you with?, what did you do?, that sort of thing.

Carol looking at me, chewing. Me continuing. Those type of questions, they’re not out of interest in the answers, they’re really about claiming territory. So when they’re asked, your freedom’s being restricted, you’re being squeezed into a box. Me, I want to be your lover, I want to take this the way it comes, I don’t want to reduce you to tidiness. Like the song, probably misquoting, I want you just the way you are. With just the information that you feel like providing, no more, no less.

Carol chewing her salad, watching me, swallowing, smiling, taking my hand again. R, you darling, you say just the right things, the men in my life, they've have always tried to fit me to their own prescription, being with you is like fresh air.

Fork in the air, as if being used as an artist’s paintbrush, shaping an argument. Okay, deal, it works both ways, telling’s fine, asking’s not. No explanations demanded. Just the joy of being together, when we’re together.

Both of us raising our glasses, clinking. A toast, here’s to that. No explanations.