30 August 2010

Sexually Acceptable

Another response on the marital dating website, hi, like your profile, let’s chat sometime, my photo password’s smiles, xx. In her profile, the usual stuff about being stuck in a stale relationship, looking for excitement, said to be attractive. The photos showing someone on holiday by the beach, smiling at the camera, throwing a frisbee.

Oh look she’s online, hi there, is this a good time to chat?

The screen quiet for a moment, then a line of text appearing, yes, now’s fine, how are you?

Well thanks, nice weather at last, good to feel the sunshine.

These bland pleasantries continuing for a while, then, from her, look, do you mind if I get straight to the point?

Sure, go ahead.

Well, my long term relationship, the thing is, we’re lesbian.

Oh, I see, well, does that mean you’re bisexual? How do I fit in?

A pause from her, then, not really bi, just sometimes I need a hard cock.

Well, I think I can provide that.

And the taste of spunk, you don’t get that from a vibrator.

Well, always happy to be fellated.

The other thing, what turns me on, it’s a bit unusual, normally I don’t tell anyone about it.

Okay, well, you’ve got to decide whether you want to tell me.

Another pause from her. Then, I like to get bitten.

Now a pause from me. Then, what, you mean with my teeth? Where?

Pause. Yes. On my thighs and bum and tits. And not just nibbles, really hard. Don’t know why, but that’s what turns me on. Always has.

Pause from me. Thinking, well, it’s good not to waste too much time on this, that doesn’t turn me on, I like sex to be caring and sharing, hate causing pain, she’ll probably find me effete. Typing, would you like to meet up sometime? Thinking, that’ll get the subject off sex, and we can find practical reasons to put off meeting up.

Okay, actually I’m just off to America this week, can I contact you when I get back?

Okay, look forward to it. Bye for now. Bye.

End chat, click. Thinking, I hope I didn’t come over prim and shocked, I’m hardly in a position to lay down the law on what’s sexually acceptable, nor is anyone else, just live and let live is what I say.