This morning, logging in to check messages on the marital dating website. Nothing. Yesterday, three, all from site admin, trivia. Well, a slow burn, but meanwhile the tingle in my loins is becoming too urgent to ignore.
A sudden memory, that video compilation, amateur women masturbating, let's see if we can find it, enter the site, scan the first page of thumbnails, no, next page, no, next page, next, next, next, yes, there it is. Play, click. Move forward about two minutes, yes, that's where I was when the doorbell rang.
On the screen, a naked woman, sleepy, lying back, knees up, ankles toward the camera. Looking sideways, at a television screen. Stirring. Making a languid adjustment to something, the camera, zoom and focus going awry, then righting itself. She settling back.
Her pussy pointing straight at the lens. Sparse pubic hair, trimmed but not completely shaven. Her right hand stroking herself. No hurry, just slow easy enjoyment.
Her eyes looking sideways again at the screen. A wintry smile. Satisfied with the set up.
Face slightly blurred in the depth of field, but no attempt to disguise it. Pretty, slim brunette, hair slightly disheveled.
After a minute, two, the stroking faster, her breathing heavier. Shifting on the bed. Pulling her knees higher.
Her pussy clear and spread, her buttocks widening, sphincter showing, pinkish brown crinkled skin disappearing into its black hole.
The motion quickening, slowing, quickening again. Suddenly a twist and a soft contortion, then a wider opening.
The hand slowing, then the sphincter gently twitching. A quiet moaning sound, where before I had thought the video was silent.
The image spiraling away, a new one starting to arrive. Wait, wait, let me see that again, rewind.
Video replaying, my languid lady masturbating, already my lover. Her easy unembarrassment. Her beautiful acceptance of her body.
My own explosion forthcoming. Baby, I love you, you're an angel.
Okay, phew, that was something.